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Harika Gujjula
Drupal Developer
I have Joined VB family recently. Loving to work with many Drupalers. I Like to take risks and explore new in life.

Recent Blogs by
Harika Gujjula

Drupal Cron
Harika Gujjula |

Schedule Automated Tasks in Drupal with Cron

Cron, A daemon/background process that runs at periodic intervals of time. It can be run periodically at pre-decided times and intervals. To describe in real-time, I have met with a case where I have…
Drupal Console
Harika Gujjula |

Developing Drupal 8 sites in a smarter way - Drupal Console

I am sure You would have already started building sites on D8, by this time. And you would have noticed, how flexible and fast D8 is despite some struggles in the initial stage. Tools to know…
Harika Gujjula |

Your First Step to Git

Hey! So you are here in this page trying to find/learn something about git! Have you used a source code management system to synchronize your local code remotely before? Do you know that Git is the…
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