Top 10 Media Management Solutions for Drupal 7 & Drupal 8


January 15, 2015

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Media asset management solutions have added a whole new dimension to how multimedia content and other digital assets are handled on your website. Drupal CMS is well-equipped with a host of Asset and Media Management Modules that make resource intensive tasks involving the updation and regulation of media files,effortlessly easier. Here we have hand-picked some of the best tools that will make managing media on a Drupal website a “plug-and-play” experience.

# Scald

Scald is quite popular with Drupal users as a flexible media management solution that effectively manages social media updates, images, audio, video and flash files. You have the option of using this module along with popular editors like CKEditor and Plupload for multiple uploads along with a user-friendly media library. Scald has a proven ability to scale and is optimized for performance as it uses its own caching system that also


The Asset module is a one stop solution for some long-standing issues regarding reusable media files like documents, images and videos. A new entity called Media Asset is provided by this module that helps you in the creation of new types of media assets through the administration UI.

# Media

The Media Module provides an extensible framework that lets you manage files and multimedia assets irrespective of whether they are hosted on your own website or a third party website.It also serves as a drop in replacement for Drupal Core Upload Field which provides a unified user interface to let you upload and manage media files and other multimedia assets. It is equipped with flexible display filters that let you manipulate the images while you can mass import the files by dragging and dropping them with the help of the Plupload module

# YouTube Field

This module provides a simple field that allows you to add a youtube video or a content type or any other Drupal entity. A lightweight alternative to modules like Media and Video Embed Field, YouTube Field is built to add videos from more than one provider. An 8.x-1.x branch and nightly build has been created for the Drupal 8.0.0-beta 3 version.

# Media entity

This module provides a ‘base entity’ for a media element. A basic entity which can establish reference with all kinds of media objects like local files, youtube videos, images, tweets etc. The Media entity module combines D7 solutions like Scald, Mediabox, Asset & Field entity to provide a base module for the D8 media ecosystem.

# Wysiwyg

This module allows the unique feature of using the client side editors to edit content by simplifying the processes of installation and integration of an editor you would prefer. WYSIWYG also provides an abstraction layer that lets you integrate other Drupal modules in a website with relative ease.


An image and file uploader IMCE also doubles up as a browser that supports quotas and personal directories. You can carry out the basic file operations like uploading and deleting files, resizing images and creating thumbnails. It offers multiple features like file sorting, tabbed interface built in support for image insertion in text areas, ajax file operations and the options to create themable layouts with the help of tpl files. This module can be integrated into WYSIWYG editors like FCKeditor and TinyMCE as a plug-in by installing the IMCE Wysiwyg API bridge.

# Vimeo Video Uploader

Another easy way to integrate the Vimeo APIs with a Drupal website, the installation of Vimeo Video Uploader lets you create two fields in the selected content type to facilitate a video upload on Vimeo. After uploading the video you can embed the video URL on a site using the Video Embed Field.

# Video Embed Field

This module makes the task of embedding videos from Youtube and Vimeo easier by creating a single field type called Video Embed. In addition Video Embed Field provides multiple options to customize the configuration of a video for an administrator to decide on its style of appearance on the website. A field formatter which is a part of the module lets you retrieve and display thumbnails for each video.

# Field Slideshow

Field Slideshow module provides you with the unique functionality of building a slideshow from a single node as opposed to the Views slideshows that use multiple nodes for the same. This module gives you a slideshow formatter for image fields that integrates well with other modules like ColorboxMedia and Imagefield Crop.

Media management modules are contributed modules that integrate well with a Drupal website to extend and customize the Drupal functionality. If you are on a lookout for customized solutions to your media handling woes, leave it to our expertise. We at Valuebound understand your enterprise level requirements and craft web solutions based on your specific needs. For more details on our service offerings, please Contact Us.

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