Farm Journal Media is the nation's leading agricultural media company. Its magazines are the 138-year-old flagship Farm Journal, as well as Top Producer, Beef Today, Dairy Today, and Implement & Tractor. The company produces and distributes "AgDay", "U.S. Farm Report," "Corn College TV" and "Leave a Legacy" national TV programs. The company also handles the industry-leading website, the syndicated radio show "AgriTalk" and recently launched a new division, Farm Journal Mobile.
The mission of Farm Journal's MILK is to connect with large-dairy producers(those with 500 or more cows)and provide them with the information and resources they need to run their operation and continue to expand opportunistically.
Most of the web brands of FarmJournal are currently run on ASP.Net. However, gradually Farm Journal is adopting Drupal as a new platform and had begun to spin-off a few sites in Drupal 7 using a multi site architecture. With the release of Drupal 8 they were keen to determine if its successor, Drupal 8 would fill their requirements. They approached this migration in a gradual way and the Milk site was the first they wanted to test the flexibility and scalability of Drupal 8.
The main objective was to have a separate portal for the Milk brand in order to organize the dairy coverage. In addition, it was a high priority to deploy the site quickly, in 2 weeks of time.